Citizen Science in Progress:
Join the movement:
Help shape the future of health by Volunteering, Donating/Fundraising or participating in one of our studies as one of our Citizen Scientist.
If you chose to join us, you will have a direct impact in our ability to deliver the vital research & development of the innovative therapies & technologies that will enable our mission of delivering truly open, personalized & low cost health solution blueprints to the world.
Become part of the solution TODAY!
Current Studies:

Help us take on Type 2 Diabetes! Your participating has the potential to impact the lives of millions of people suffering from type 2 diabetes by proving a promising non-pharmacological, functional medicine approach to treating type 2 diabetes.
Why join this study?
Feel the satisfaction of playing an integral part of the ground breaking wellness solution, discover key insights about your biology while learning the valuable lifestyle skill of managing your insulin which is known to result in higher energy levels, healthy weight loss, reduced inflammation, better moods, reduced heart disease and Alzheimer’s Disease risks.
By participating on this study you would be getting the equivalent value of $5,000-6,000 CAD.
About 80% of illness is preventable, but prevention has to start early.
We know that chronic inflammation (CI) and insulin resistance (IR) are two of the major health challenges that influence long-term health. Both Ci and IR are associated with a higher risk for: Obesity, Heart disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Dementia, Mood disorders & some cancers.
IR is a condition where the hormone insulin produced by your pancreas does not work optimally. IR is in turn related to chronic inflammation. Sleep, food, avoiding constant sitting and stress management impact both chronic inflammation and insulin resistance.
Scientific studies in the last few years have shown that each person has an individualised blood glucose response to food. Therefore, the same food recommendations do not work for everyone.
What are we planning to do?
We are planning on using the “wisdom of the crowd” to improve health—We will Biohack Together! In order to run this study, we will need 15 committed participants.
What does it involve?
The study will last a total of 12 weeks and will require for you to commit the time to attend weekly online webinars for accountability and troubleshooting (These webinars are approximately 1 hour duration each week).
During the 12 weeks on a daily basis you will be tracking the following:
- Blood work at baseline and after 12 weeks (A list of lab tests will be provided when on boarding)
- Continuous Blood Glucose (CBG) monitoring using a Dexcom G5 device (2 weeks baseline & 2 weeks of intervention)
- Sleep
- Eat (Food tracking along with hours spent fasting)
- Movement (Number of steps/day)
- Mind-body intervention. (Time spent in Relaxation Response)
This data will be captured and processes into a scoring system for each of the components of SEMM -the SEMM Score.
Required Devices:
1. Dexcom G5: a Continuous Glucose Monitor to track blood glucose response.
2. Any Wearable that tracks sleep, resting heart rate, number of daily steps (We recommend Oura Ring if you don't have a wearable currently).
Study Cost:
This is self-funded, but we will provide participants with the ability to access our Peer to Peer Crowd Sourcing Platform to help them raise the funds they need.
The approximate total cost per participant is $1,880 CAD
Below is an itemised list of the cost:
- CGM with Dexcom G5: $729 CAD (4 sensors 2 weeks baseline 2 weeks tracking)
- Oura Ring: $405 CAD (Optional if participant does not have a tracker)
- Gut Microbiome testing: Two test for a total of $540 CAD
- Lab Testing Cost: All test are covered under Alberta health (except optional Vitamin D @ $75)
- Physician Consultations: will be donated by study sponsor (Estimated at $2,000 per participant)
- 12 webinar sessions: will be donated by study sponsor (Estimated at $595 per participant)
- Study Logistics Cost: will be donated by study sponsor (Estimated at $2,000 per participant)
- Incidentals: processing, printing of docs etc..
Required Laboratory Testing:
We will collaborate with a physician from Calgary, Alberta for the lab work. Therefore, you will have to visit her clinic twice during the 12 weeks (Once at baseline and once at week 12).
1. Using CBG monitoring along with SEMM score will provide an individualized lifestyle recommendation for each participant.
2. Improving the SEMM score will reduce chronic inflammation and improve insulin resistance and in turn reduce health risks.
Hall, Heather, et al. "Glucotypes reveal new patterns of glucose dysregulation." PLoS biology16.7 (2018): e2005143.
Zeevi, David, et al. "Personalized nutrition by prediction of glycemic responses." Cell 163.5 (2015): 1079-1094.
Please note this citizen science project is not to be considered medical advice unless given by our study's physician during the medical consultation
NEXT Studies:
Alzheimer's Resolution Protocol (Study)
A 10 participant, 6 month clinical study:
Focused on proving a low cost, non pharmacological protocol which allows for the Diagnosis, Identification of Alzheimer's Type, it's root cause remediation & delivers bio-individual therapies that not only stop & but also reverses the cognitive decline & the behavioral issues associated with dementia.
What we need:
We need a total of 10 participants for this study, please complete this questionnaire in order to help us determined if you qualify.
Donations & Fundraising:
We need your help in raising the funds we need to Kick Start this valuable study....every little bit helps!

Fundraising Goal: $650,000 USD
ASD Resolution Protocol (Study)
A 10 participant, 6 month study:What we need:
We need a total of 10 participants for this study, please complete this questionnaire in order to help us determined if you qualify.
Donations & Fundraising:
We need your help in raising the funds we need to Kick Start this valuable study....every little bit helps!

Fundraising Goal: $650,000 USD
We would love to share more details about our life's work & to explore mutual synergies, please feel free to contact us to get the conversations started